Whilst at the park I also took Freya on Star Tours which was a simulator ride based on a cetain sextet of films I love (well, maybe not Episode 1). Beyond this ride was an emporium full of related goodies where they had even more Disney / Star Wars crossover fodder. I was 'forced' to buy a dubious looking (in my wife's eyes) T Shirt. I informed her nobody would ever see it, well, apart from you that is. I cant see a problem with it's jovial X Wing pilot Mouse, can you? Next door to Star Tours was a Jedi Academy where they call up kids to train with a lightsaber on stage - my shy duo declined to try to get picked (Freya?shy?). This ended with a bit of Vader and stirring music with typical Disney acoustics and was very good indeed,
We ended on the parade which was full of Pixar favourites and then came back to the hotel for a swim. But not before we went to the supermarket to stock up on fooooooood! I don't think I have mentioned this before but we agan bought some, ahem, "beef bacon" which (to a bad Jewish boy like me) smelled and tasted like bacon but was all beef (and water and chemicals and dust)
Which part of the beef I do not know nor want to find out (lips and ar*eholes anyone?).
This evening we ordered a Chinese to be delivered to the room (more like an apartment really). It's always a worry to a fat bast like me as to the quality of such foods when tried from a new place but luckily we were not diappointed. Half a duck, egg flied lice, chow mein and szechuan beef were very much enjoyed along with spring rolls and chicken skewers - brurrrp.
Mrs Rose appears to be asleep already and it's only 9.49pm - I may be able to polish off more ice cream this time - woo hoo.
Tomorrow.... we might not go to any parks at all.... nooooooooooooooo. Yes.
Then after that its going to be stormy allll week - this is my punishment for posting weather reports on facebook, gutted.
Still to come on this holiday / blog: RETURN To The Magic Kingdom, Epcot 2, Universal, Sea World AND Kennedy Space Center (I'm doing that bad spelling again) featuring lunch with a real astronaut, ooooh. Oh, and back to more malls to satisfy any shopping cravings. All of this subject to change and the inclusion of a water park - but no bikini shots of me will be forthcoming as I haven't been deforested. Does my back being Veeted count?
I know what you're (probably not) asking - "will they make it to the ice cream emporium that is The Coldstone Creamery?" and the ever present "when will Paul report back on his first US steak in 8 years?". All this and more will be answered, if the storms don't wash us away and if we go to that ice cream place and if I have a steak (yeah right, cos I wont be doing that... much)
And here are the video parts - sorry to any parents / in laws as I don't have any grandchild footage here: (one for now, will add more in the morning)
Very entertaining so far Rose & co.
I always regarded myself as the biggest nerd out of you all but even I managed to escape the internet whilst I'm on my jollies. You're not right in the head, son.
Anyway, I'm on one loooooooooooooooooong holiday until I get me a new job. Bet you wish you were me, right?!
Hold it a second.. Koffdrop out of work and playing games all the time again.... is this deja vu? Phil - can you buy me GTA Chinatown Wars from your special 'briefcase'.
Anyway - thanks for the daily update Rosey. I did enjoy it but zoned out half way through the star wars/disney combo - even too nerdy for me.
More about the food and the kids please, and how the lovely Gabs gets hardly a mention (is she always sleeping - like during the day as well??).
Well I hope the storms don't spoil any of your fun - i'm sure you will make the best of british of it. Might I point out we're in for a mini-heatwave here - temp will go upto 19 degrees on Saturday and we may even have a bbq...oooooooh.
Still missing you... ta ra.
Hi Guys! Sounds like you're having a fantastic time. Ben loves the photos. Have you got one of the swim in the rain? Like the car but mind the road! Is Gabby awake yet? 17 degrees here today - perfect weather for a riot in the City! Take care and keep blogging! Chris, Paz and Ben
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