After all the sunshine I had to come up to the room around 5.30pm to rehydrate and relax. This consisted of some water from a bottle and me in a jacuzzi bath (sans bikini) watching Friends. It was utter bliss (no kids no wife!). They soon invaded my peaceful TV watching and we all got ready to go out. Note to self: when moving to dream home in lala land install a TV in the bathroom, along with a bath that actually fits a full sized adult - as ours blimmin doesn't. Anyhoooo....
The wife had told me about a place she came across today at ginormous (it is a word) Florida Mall, so we headed there. This mall was so big it has it's own large hotel within the complex - only in America (and other countries I'm sure - does the Lakeside Travelodge count?)
It was at approximately 7.16pm that I came across one of the coolest (non Star Wars) shops (in my geeky eyes) ever. May I introduce our sponsor for today... drum roll... da da da da da daaaa....
(clickable link)
This emporium, devoted to this popular American candy was bigger than many HMVs I have seen and sold everything under the sun, devoted to these sweets. It was utterly enormous and just crazy really. I obviously had to buy t shirt since I came across another excellent pop culture crossover - m&m's and.... Indiana Jones. So I bought two, since they were half price - wahey!
Please enjoy the following colourful snaps of my favourite part of the day as I browsed this huuuge shop. Only four of them exist in the world - double corrrr.
After some more shopping we had Mexican for dinner - arriba arriba! The missus and I had mm mmm combo fajitas and part of the kids meals were the best waffle fries ever - brurrrrrp. We got the kids to bed by about 10.20pm which is just a little late for our delicate flowers.
Tomorrow - back to Epcot me thinks. Got to go now and watch TV with a lot of adverts. Tata.
i feel there's an opportunity photo missed of paul standing under a shower of m&m's open mouthed...
Glad you liked your jacuzzi bath - did you make your own bubbles?
It really does sounds like a fantastic holiday - looking forward to seeing you to hear all about it again in more detail.
P.S The space stuff was a wee bit geeky but my god you had a lunch with an astronuat - but surely she wasn't the pilot, she was simply there to make the tea, clean up, do the ironing in space - the real astronauts being the MEN.
PPS I don't know whether to laugh out loud or hit him.
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