Sunday 5 April 2009

Man v Food

Some say you cant eat a three foot bratwurst and others gawp at the 7ib burrito challenge. Today's sponsor is the excellent Man v Food on the US Travel channel - This show is excellent and certain friends of mine will appreciate these awesome meaty challenges. Mmmmm... IFOCE.

One blog viewer has commented this is getting repetitive (and they may be right!) and another is worried about my ice cream intake (large amounts of hydrogenated fats I'm told). One must understand that not only can such a trip be similar each day but that ice cream and (some)bad food intake is part of MY holiday and this is why I did pre-holiday diet. CAN A MAN NOT INDULGE FOR A COUPLE OF WEEKS?? I've had plenty of decent meals without fries and with veg /salad. OK OK so I've eaten one apple since March 26th which is my only piece of green.

Today we returned to Epcot and arrived before it opened around 8.45am. We had a great time on hangliding simulator Soarin' where we 'flew' over various Californian hot spots - very cool ride. Then whilst Mrs R took the children back to see Nemo and The Seas I quickly did Mission Space - a trip to Mars simulator that was quite intense. If you're claustrophobic then you don't want to do this one! After this I met up with the other Roses and we all rode Test Track, which is a car ride where you go uphill (fnarrk), speed up, slow down, skid, brake hard and then end with a 65mph zooooom round a long track with super fun banked curve.

We saw a show all about Velcro (yup, really) and then moseyed on down to the World Showcase - venue of the awesome fireworks I spoke of a number of days ago. We ate in China (I had a veggie stir fry to appease my dietary critic(s) ), saw a bit too much of Norway and looked in Germany a little.

We took a boat back to Future World and rode the 'golf ball' ride again - all about man's development from caves and through to 'the future'. We then left and took a drive to Prime Outlets - yet another massssive mall. It was just stupid sized really. The missus bought a few things and so did I in Bananannana Republic - who can resist 50% off already discounted prices. I also instantly found the Oakley sunglass lenses requested by 'repetative' blog viewer (within 7mins of text request) - but they didn't respond to my price info so they did not get boughted.

Whilst typing this I am still watching Man v Food where the man is eating the hottest wings on the planet and now he's attempting 'Burritozilla' (a burrito the size of a medium to large newborn child)- hahaha. Sorry, I'll continue.

We ate in a Bahamas style cafe in the mall with excellent food and utterly dire service. I had a chicken salad and still haven't eaten ice cream today - though I may raid the freezer after the blog ends.

Beyond this we drove back to the hotel down the utterly awful (north) International Drive - some of you will know this road is like Blackpool, but worse. Mind you it does contain the biggest Maccy D's on the planet - woo hoo. Must eat there...maybe. Our hotel is thankfully just off the nicer part of this sh*t road with lots of greenery and trees and without all of the discount crap stores and 67 fast food joints per square metre that the north end of this road has.

Right - off now to eat some lard, chocolate (battered) and 3kg of ice cream. And fries. In bed.

1 comment:

Gaz Maz said...

Man v Food - i think we could have guessed that you would have liked that show.

I think your doing a fine job of blogging on the go - many may have lost interest days ago, maybe even weeks (you've been away for like 4 months or something it seems), but us mazins are proudly venturing where no-one else dare - still reading 10 days in. It's tough, but someone has to do it.